Here you can see our approved projects for 2023. Tombigbee RC&D would like to congratulate the grantees and say a special ‘Thank-You’ to all our state legislators for their assistance in making these projects work for the betterment of our people and our communities!
Organization | Project Name | Funding Type | Amount | Description |
Bibb County Extension | Bibb County Foresty & Natural Resource Education Program | Education | $11,832.38 | Bibb County Extension, Bibb County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Bibb County Natural Resource Planning Council are partnering to provide two programs each year for all Bibb County 4th-6th grader students. The two programs are Forestry Awareness Week Now (FAWN) and The Annual Bibb County Groundwater festival. These two projects will help educate the youth about the importance of natural resources such as forests and groundwater. |
UWA Cahaba Biodiversity Center | CBC Water Quality Education Project | Education | $10,000 | The Cahaba Biodiversity Center is using the funding to teach the importance of testing for water quality & how to perform the test by purchasing an instrument / probing system for testing water samples for a wide range of parameters as well as a spectrophotometer for measuring light intensity passing through a water sample. |
Bibb County Conservation District | Conference Room Upgrade | Education | $5,800 | The Bibb County Conservation District’s is using the funding for a much-needed upgrade to their conference room. Several other organizations utilize this area making the purchase of a new table, chairs, and two new storage cabinets essential. |
Central AL Regional Child Advocacy Center | Mandatory Reporter / Student Child Abuse Prevention Internet Safety Trainings | Education | $8,000 | This project gives adults and children the tools to spot the warning signs of child abuse & how to respond once they do have suspicions or disclosures of child abuse free of charge. They hold education/training/awareness events all throughout Bibb County and are truly making a difference. |
Brierfield Fire & Rescue, Inc. | Brierfield Fire & Rescue, Inc. Medical Emergency Response Expansion Plan | General | $8,800 | This project is the final stage of a 5-year plan to expand the emergency medical response provided by Brierfield Fire and Rescue, Inc. This expansion includes the purchase, implementation, & training of a video laryngoscope to improve success when placing airway devices; the purchase and of point-of-care ultrasound (medical imaging), increasing availability of abdominal aortic junctional tourniquets; & the implementation of intravenous medication pumps to increase the safety of medication administration. |
Town of Woodstock | Police Pursuit Safety | General | $5,073.06 | This project funds the purchase of a Spike System that stops criminals who are attempting to elude the police which will prevent accidents by slowing speeds down during a chase thus protecting the citizens and the police officers. |
Bibb County Sheriff Department | Law Enforcement Vest | General | $5,000 | Bibb County Sheriff is a small department with limited funding. At this time the part time & reserve deputies are wearing hand me down vest that may not fit correctly and are several years old. Thus, using the funds provided they will purchase new vests that will keep their officers in safest gear as possible. |
Brent Volunteer Fire Department | Emergency Equipment (Chain Saws) | General | $5,008.90 | The Brent Volunteer Fire Department is using the funds to purchase chainsaws to help the fire department be better equipped to open roadways due to fallen trees during severe weather events. |
Bibb Animal Facility | Bibb Animal Facility Kennels | General | $5,000 | The Bibb Animal Facility will be using the funds to replace their outside kennels. |
Organization | Project Name | Funding Type | Amount | Description |
Fayette Middle School | FMS Library Floor Renovation | Education | $10,000 | The Fayette Middle School Library’s flooring is around twenty years old so with the funding provided they renovate the flooring to provide a safer and more appealing area. |
Berry High School | Vape Detection | Education | $10,000 | Berry High School will install vape detectors in the bathrooms & locker rooms which will alert them when one is in use. |
Fayette County Commission | Weather Radio | Education | $15,632.28 | The Fayette County Commission will provide weather radios for the citizens of Fayette County as well as educational workshop on how to use them. |
Berry High School | Berry High School Beautification & Increased Security | General | $3,765.00 | Berry High School will purchase plants, edging stones, & mulch to revamp the landscaping in front of the school. |
Berry High School Alumni Association | Stop the Muck! | General | $9,305.67 | The Berry High School football field is used by varsity football team, three Berry Toy Bowl teams, special programs, & graduation ceremonies which is why the french drain installation is needed to provide an easy channel for water flow. |
Town of Berry | French Drain at Berry High School | General | $6,405.62 | The Berry High School football field is used by varsity football team, three Berry Toy Bowl teams, special programs, & graduation ceremonies which is why the french drain installation is needed to provide an easy channel for water flow. |
Hubbertville Youth Athletic Association | Community Park Restoration | General | $9,405.67 | The grant will be used to install lighting at the new Hubbertville Community Park youth baseball/softball field. This park is used by all of the community and supports the youth sports programs for the Hubbertville Community. |
Organization | Project Name | Funding Type | Amount | Description |
Dollarhide Volunteer Fire Department | Dollarhide Volunteer Fire Fighters Health and Physical Fitness Project | Education | $5,632.28 | The funds will be used to purchase exercise & electronic equipment & health & wellness CDs & Videos. The equipment & training material will be used to provide physical fitness training classes for the Dollarhide Volunteer Fire Fighters as well as interested fire fighters from the other 13 fire departments located in Greene County, AL. Additionally, the classes will be opened to the citizens residing in the Dollarhide Community. |
Eutaw Housing Authority Enrichment Program | It’s Time for Upgrades to Help Make the Grades | Education | $10,000 | This project will allow for all computers, printers, & software to be upgraded as well as the purchase of laptops in the Community Center. |
Robert Brown Middle School | 21st Century Library Media Center | Education | $10,000 | The project consists of purchasing 15 HP desktop computers that will be utilized & housed in the Library Media Center. Students & faculty will use these computers for school related purposes, which includes testing, printing, completing projects, checking out books, & accessing academic websites & apps that are not accessible on Chromebooks. |
True Vine Foundation | Greene County Youth Character Development | Education | $10,000 | True Vine Foundation is working with Greene County Football team to build teamwork & leadership, but more importantly trust. |
Eutaw Area Chamber of Commerce | Eutaw Square & City Park Upgrades | General | $6,381.96 | This project is to purchase four additional park benches & 10 concrete planters for the downtown square, one extra trash can for the city park tennis courts, and electrical work to re-wire dilapidated and damaged tennis court lighting. |
Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District | Ranch Equipment | General | $7,500 | This project’s goal is to have available ranching equipment for beginning ranchers, ranchers with limited resources, & any other cattle owner in the county. |
Greene County EMS | Water Rescue | General | $10,000 | Currently Greene County does not have a watercraft for rescue situations. This project will fund the purchase of a boat as well as lights and safety equipment for the rescue vessel. |
Greene County Parks & Recreation | Greene County PARA Class | General | $5,000 | The funds will be used to buy four new computers to help with Greene County students during the school year (school projects, research papers, etc.) & summer programs, update their office equipment, aid in making sure they have enough supplies for various activities such as after-school activities, karate, dance class, elderly BINGO, the summer enrichment program and youth sports. |